RVS Assessment

Assessment at RVS

Students at all grade levels engage in a series of assessments to help inform the teacher, student and family about how the child is performing as they progress towards learning outcomes in the curriculum.

Teachers administer literacy and numeracy screening assessments to students in the primary language of instruction (English or French).

Assessment Timeline

Students are assessed at various times during the year. This could include provincial assessments, divisional assessments, and school/teacher assessments. Each serves a difference purpose and helps students, teachers and parents/guardians understand a student’s overall success and areas of improvement.

View RVS’ Assessment Timeline to learn what assessments students will have in each year of schooling.

Divisional Assessments

EAL Benchmarking: this assessment supports educators in identifying the English language proficiency levels of students learning English as an additional language (EAL). It is provincially required yearly in Grades 1-12 when students are identified at as EAL learners.

OurSCHOOL: OurSCHOOL is a yearly survey conducted each spring with students in Grades 4-12. It provides valuable insight to schools to learn more about their students and their needs while helping advise administrators and school councils on the school’s focus for the upcoming year.

Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) Math Assessment: This tool, developed by EICS, is administered to students in Grades 4-10 each fall to provide a measure of math performance, overall successes and areas of improvement for students at the school and divisional level.

RVS Writing Assessment: This assessment was developed by RVS teachers to assess students’ writing skills and proficiencies. It is conducted annually with students in Grades 3, 4, and 7 – 11.

RVS students also engage in provincial assessments including (with French equivalents) Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST)/ Test de dépistage de la conscience phonologique (TDCP), Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)/ Test Dénomination rapide sérielle (DRS), Letter Name-Sound (LeNS)/ Test Nom et son des lettres (NSLe), Castles and Coltheart 3 (CC3)/ Test Castle et Coltheart 3 (CC3), Alberta Numeracy assessment, Provincial Achievement Tests and diploma exams.

Guiding Documents

RVS teachers are guided by these timelines and documents when assessing students, helping to bring both consistency and clarity to ongoing reporting of student progress for both teachers and parents.

Teachers are expected to follow these timelines beginning September 2024. 

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.