- Contact us and the transportation coordinator for your area will get back to you as soon as possible.
- If your child is currently registered on the bus, please include your child’s legal first & last name, school and route number.
- If you are new to busing, please include each child’s grade, school (if known) address and program (regular or French Immersion).
No. Students can only ride the bus to the school they attend.
Ideally students will be on the bus no more than 75 minutes each way; however, factors such as student capacity, distance from school, etc. will affect ride times. We therefore have no maximum ride time.
Assigned seats help us address efficiencies, minimize student management and keep ride times to a minimum.
Please refer to Transporting Articles and Equipment to review what articles and equipment are allowed buses.
No. The bus is a shared environment and there is potential for others to have severe allergic reactions.
- Other students misbehaving: Please contact your student’s principal. The school bus is an extension of the school and as such the school principal is responsible for the discipline of students. It is expected that students follow not only specific bus rules but those rules and regulations that the principal has established at the school. Please see Safety & Conduct.
- Other issues (bus stop, driver issues, etc.): Please contact the bus contractor directly with concerns or issues. See Bus Contractors for contact information. Alternatively you may contact the Transportation Department; our team can work with the bus contractor to help resolve the issue.
- In either case, please do not approach the bus driver at the bus stop. This helps ensure the safety of our students and drivers. Parents/guardians are not allowed to board the bus.
- Urban students: No. If your child is not at their designated stop at the scheduled departure time the bus will proceed. It is not necessary to advise our office.
- Rural students: You may plan with the bus driver or bus company prior to the date.
- Bus service cancellation: If your child does not need bus service for the rest of the school year, please cancel the bus service by filling in the Cancellation Form. Log into your SchoolEngage account, click on the Students tab on the left hand side and select your child’s name to locate and complete the Cancellation Form. A separate Cancellation Form must be completed for each student.
Please contact your child’s school directly to discuss their supervision process.
- We do not require you to meet your child at the bus stop; it is your decision as a parent/guardian. Please make sure you prepare your child to get off at the correct stop location. Ensure your child asks the bus driver if they are unsure of their stop.
- Once a child gets off the bus, the driver moves on to the next stop whether or not a parent/guardian is present. We recommend you train your child to scan the stop for you and make eye contact before getting off the bus. If your child does not see you they should alert the bus driver immediately and should not get off the bus. In most situations the student will stay on the bus and the parent/guardian should proceed to the next available stop where they can meet their child.
- In case of emergency and your student has not seen you and therefore not gotten off the bus, please call your Bus Contractor as soon as possible.
Parents/guardians are responsible for their child’s safety and conduct while walking to, from and waiting at a designated bus stop.
Bylaws are different depending on where you are in our division. Buses do not use their alternating lights and stop signs within the City of Airdrie. This means that you can pass with caution if you see a bus at the stop. If you see a bus with the alternating lights active and the stop sign out, you must stop.
Please visit Transportation Registration & Fee Payment to register for school bus service.
- Students are added to the bus list every Wednesday. The cut-off to add students to a route is the Thursday of the week prior.
- For urban families, once you receive an email from the Transportation Department with your child’s bus number and stop information, your child may begin riding the bus on the Wednesday of that same week.
- For rural families, once your bus driver has contacted you with the stop time, your child may begin riding the bus.
- During peak times (Aug. 15 to Sept. 30) please expect a two-week processing time due to the volume of application forms received.
- No new stops will be added between Aug. 15 – Sept. 30. If you register during this time your student will be placed at the closest existing stop.
- There is no noon hour busing for Kindergarten students.
- If your Kindergarten student attends school in the morning, they can ride the morning bus and you must arrange transportation for the noon hour.
- If your Kindergarten student attends school in the afternoon, they can ride the bus home but you will have to arrange transportation for the start of school.
- Transportation fees are free for Kindergarten students only. Once your child moves to Grade 1 you will be charged the transportation fee. Make sure to keep your child’s bus pass as they are re-used each year.
No. All students must be registered in order to take the bus.
The SchoolEngage forms are meant to be filled out using a laptop or tablet. Some information may not be visible on a mobile device. We recommend filling out your forms on a computer or tablet if possible. If you must use your mobile device, log into your PowerSchool account through a web browser and not through the PowerSchool app. There is also a community use computer available for use at RVS' Education Centre (2651 Chinook Winds Dr. SW, Airdrie).
Please contact your school office for assistance with your PowerSchool account.
RVS and Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) have a cooperative agreement in place where all CCSD busing inside the municipal district Rocky View will be provided by RVS. Any CCSD transportation questions inside the MD of Rocky View can be sent to us via our contact form.
School registrations for CCSD schools must be done via CCSD.
Secondary stops can be added for a fee if the secondary stop is also within the school’s attendance zone. To add the stop, go to your SchoolEngage account and complete the Secondary Stop Request Form and submit required payment. If the daycare provider/co-parent’s address is over the walk distance from your child’s school, the stop will be added. Make sure to repeat these steps yearly; it will not be done automatically.
Yes, if both parents live inside your child’s attendance zone and are over the walk distance. If only one parent lives over the walk distance, only one stop can be provided.
To add the stop, go to your SchoolEngage account and complete the Secondary Stop Request Form and submit required payment. Make sure to repeat these steps yearly; it will not be done automatically.
No. Secondary stops for childcare can only be added if the childcare is within the school’s attendance zone and outside of its walk zone.
Parents are responsible for providing transportation to their school of choice; however, more information is available on Bus Services & Eligibility.
Visit Schools & Attendance Areas for attendance area maps.
Student bus services are provided to Kindergarten – Grade 7 students who reside more than 1.5 kilometers from their designated school site, and to Grade 8 – 12 students who reside more than two kilometers from their designated school site. If you are still unsure please contact the Transportation Department. Include your address, the grade(s) and the name of your child’s school(s), if known.
Should your child require transportation on a non-yellow school bus, contact your school and they will begin the process. The Learning Supports team will do an assessment to see what requirements are needed for transporting your child to school. If approved, Learning Supports will notify the Transportation Department of the requirements that are needed and our transportation coordinator will arrange service. The bus driver will call you when bus service will begin including the pick-up time, location and route number.
To begin this process during the summer please call Rocky View Schools Main Switch Board at 403-945-4000 and ask for the Learning Supports Department.
To ensure continuity of busing from year to year, you must re-apply each spring.
You will receive an email to re-enrol each spring. This occurs once our transportation fees are set by the Board of Trustees, usually in mid-May. Please complete the Re-Enrolment Form as soon as possible to allow the Transportation Department enough time to process the thousands of forms we receive each year.
If you do not reapply before August 15, your student will be removed from the bus route. You would then have to reapply for busing and it would not be available for the beginning of the school year.
To cancel bus service, complete the Cancellation Form in SchoolEngage.
Log into your SchoolEngage account, click on the Students tab on the left hand side and select your child’s name. Locate and complete the Cancellation Form. A separate Cancellation Form must be completed for each student.
The deadline to cancel and still receive a full refund is Oct. 31 of the current school year; fees are NOT prorated.
Bus Passes
Bus passes help us to manage ridership numbers on the bus and can assist in finding lost or missing students. Please make sure your child is scanning on and off the bus in both the morning and afternoon every day.
As your child boards the bus in the morning or afternoon they are required to scan their bus pass by touching the grey plastic box at the top of the bus stairs with their bus pass. If the card scans, the box will beep. This will tell us your child has scanned onto the bus. When your child gets off the bus at school or at their stop, they will scan their bus pass again which indicates they have exited the bus.
Yes; there is a $15 replacement fee for any damaged bus passes. To obtain a new bus pass please see Bus Pass Information & Replacement.
To obtain a new bus pass visit Bus Pass Information & Replacement. Replacement bus passes are $15.
If you happen to find the lost bus pass within 14 days, visit the RVS Transportation Office at 2651 Chinook Winds Drive in Airdrie with both bus passes. We can rescan the old bus pass and request to refund you the $15 for returning the new bus pass.
Sometimes bus passes can become demagnetized and stop scanning. If this happens to your child’s bus pass please bring the defective bus pass into our office and we will issue a new card free of charge. Do not reapply for a replacement bus pass.
No. Only one pass can be active at a time. As soon as a replacement bus pass is activated, the old bus pass is deactivated and will not scan.
Bus pass pouches are too bulky to mail. Bus pass pouches are given to the bus contractors so that the bus driver can give them to the child.
Stop Locations
All requests must be made through the RVS Transportation Department and not the individual drivers. Please complete our Administrative Form 5500-C Transportation Parent Concern form and email it to Transportation. After we review your request with the bus contractor you will receive a written response with the decision.
No. Students are expected to get off at their assigned stop.
RVS provides transportation for thousands of students to and from school each day. We are not able to position bus stops so that all parents are able to see the stop from their home.
Each time the bus stops, the overall length of the bus route gets longer. For instance: If the bus drives by 15 houses and we add an additional 15 stops that would add at least another 15 minutes to the bus route.
Bus stops for Kindergarten – Grade 6 students will be no more than 0.4 kms from the end of their driveway to their stop. Bus stops for Grade 7 – 12 students will be no more than 1.20 kms from the end of their driveway to their stop. Stop locations are placed so they are mutually beneficial for all riders or future riders.
Late Buses & Weather
- Buses can be delayed for many reasons including inclement weather, traffic, road closures, and vehicle breakdowns.
- You can download the WheresTheBus app to your mobile device for real-time bus information. This is especially helpful on winter days.
- You may also contact the contractor directly if needed.
- If you find your bus is consistently late, please complete our Administrative Form 5500-C Transportation Parent Concern with exact details and email it to Transportation.
In the unlikely event transportation needs to be cancelled due to weather conditions, announcements will be made through the local radio stations or check WheresTheBus. More information is available on our Inclement Weather page.
Please contact your child’s school to determine if they are there. If your call is not answered, contact the Bus Contractor or call the RVS Main Switch Board number at 403-945-4000 and ask for the Transportation Department. We will coordinate the search with local emergency services.
Payments, Refunds & Waivers
At least half the transportation fees will be required when you register for busing, with the remainder of the payment due by Oct. 31. If you have registered after this date, fees are due immediately. Payments can be made online in SchoolEngage or in person at the RVS Education Centre, 2651 Chinook Winds Drive SW in Airdrie.
No; we do not offer monthly payments or pro-rated fees.
- If you apply for bus service from September to January, you will be charged the full fees for transportation. If you apply for bus service from February. to the end of April you will be charged a reduced second semester fee.
- If you apply for bus service in May or June: transportation is free for May-June if the students are newly registered students at RVS or CCSD. Existing RVS or CCSD students will be charged a reduced second semester fee. See Fees & Waivers for more information.
Once you receive a confirmation email that your transportation registration has been processed, a payment form will be uploaded into your SchoolEngage account the following day. You can pay with credit card/debit online or visit the RVS Education Centre, 2651 Chinook Winds Drive SW in Airdrie, to pay via credit card, debit, cash, or cheque. We are unable to process any payments over the phone.
- No. When you registered for busing, we reserved a space on the bus for your child and not for anyone else. Refunds are not available.
- Please review cancellation information below for partial year refunds.
- Prior to Oct. 31: Full refund is available. Contact Transportation to cancel service.
- Nov. 1 – Jan. 31: 50 per cent refund is available.
- Feb. 1 – June 30: No refund.
- Students applying for bus service after Oct. 31 have 30 days to request a full refund.
To cancel bus service, complete the Cancellation Form. Log into your SchoolEngage account, click on the Students tab on the left hand side and select your child’s name to locate and complete the Cancellation Form. A separate Cancellation Form must be completed for each student.
We are unable to change the billing information on the invoice as it pulls the information directly from PowerSchool. All financial arrangements (legal or otherwise) are the responsibility of the family to manage.
- Complete the Waiver Form for Transportation in the forms section of your SchoolEngage account. You MUST attach your GST Credit Notice for the latest (or recent) tax year. This is a different waiver form than the School Fees waiver.
- Fee waivers do not apply to non-residents or international students. More information about the waiver form and fees can be found at Fees & Waivers under the Transportation Fees area. You must fill out this form each year to apply to have your transportation fees waived.
Parent/guardians can download and print off the current year or previous year’s receipts through the basket located in the top right corner of their SchoolEngage account. If you are unable to retrieve the receipt you are looking for, please email us. Please include your student’s legal name, school and the school year you are requesting the receipt for.