Board Meetings

Presenting to the Board (Delegations)

As per Board Policy 7 Board Operations, having members of the public make presentations on matters clearly within the practice and mandate of the Board at Board meetings can enhance public interest and trust and as such, the Board provides opportunity for local stakeholders to make presentations to the Board. Individual or group requests to make presentations to the Board must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent, using this form which provides the nature and purpose of the delegation. 

The Superintendent will conduct an initial review and seek necessary clarification from the individual/group before submitting the request to the Agenda Planning Committee. Upon receipt of the written submission from the Superintendent, the Agenda Planning Committee will determine whether the delegation will be heard and at which meeting. 

Delegations with respect to the following matters will not be heard: the security of the property of the School Division; personal information of an individual, including but not limited to a student or an employee of the School Division; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of property by or for the School Division; labour relations or employee negotiations; election campaigning; a law enforcement matter, litigation, or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the School Division; or the consideration of a request for access for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP).

The spokesperson(s) for the delegation shall be identified by the individual or group requesting to make a presentation to the Board who shall be notified of the date and approximate time when the presentation will be made. The presentation by the delegation may be up to 10 minutes in length. A copy of the delegation’s presentation must be provided to the Superintendent by noon on the Friday prior to the date of the delegation or the delegation may be cancelled. The Superintendent can require the delegation to make edits to the presentation. 

The presentation provided will be copied and distributed to trustees as part of their meeting package. No other materials may be distributed or presented during the meeting. Board meetings are streamed and therefore presentations must follow legislative requirements such as Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP).

Only the assigned spokesperson(s) is invited to speak during the presentation. Throughout the presentation, the spokesperson(s) is expected to maintain decorum and use language that demonstrates civility and politeness that contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning and working environment and be respectful of diversity and refrain from demonstrating any form of discrimination as set out in the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Board Chair may end the presentation if the delegation does not maintain decorum at any time throughout their presentation.

At the conclusion of the presentation, the Board may ask questions of the delegation for clarification purposes only and will not provide feedback or comments on the presentation.

If you or a small group would like to speak personally to any of the trustees please contact the trustee directly.

2024/25 Meeting Schedule

Sept. 5 Feb. 13
Sept. 19 (Organizational Meeting) Feb. 20 (Special Meeting)
Oct. 3 March 6
Oct. 17 March 20
Oct. 31 April 3
Nov. 14 April 17
Nov. 28 May 1
Dec. 12 May 22
Jan. 9 June 5
Jan. 23 June 19

Sept. 4 Feb. 12
Sept. 18 Mar. 5
Oct. 2 Mar. 19
Oct. 30 (Organizational Meeting) Apr. 2
Nov. 6 Apr. 23
Nov. 27 May 7
Dec. 11 May 21
Jan. 8 Jun. 4
Jan. 22 Jun. 18

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.