Bus Services & Eligibility


Student bus services are provided to students whose primary residence is located within the attendance boundary of their school of attendance; and 

  • located further than 1.5 kilometers from the school site for students in Kindergarten – Grade 7; or 
  • located further than two kilometers from the school site for students in Grades 8 – 12 
  • Students attending a non-designated (out of area) school may access service where bus stops are already existing (within the respective school’s boundary), where space allows. 
  • Students attending from outside of RVS’ attendance boundary (non-residents) must inquire on eligibility by contacting us directly. 

Distance to Bus Stops

  • Stop locations are placed in safe and central locations to promote accessibility to as many students as possible.  
  • Where possible, bus stops will not exceed 400 metres for Kindergarten – Grade 6 students or 1.2 kilometres for grades 7 – 12 students from the student’s residence.

Bus Services

Transportation is provided one way for half-day Kindergarten students. There is no noon hour busing. Parents are responsible for Kindergarten morning pick-up or afternoon drop-off. Transportation is free for Kindergarten students only. Once your child moves to Grade 1 you will be charged the transportation fee. Make sure to keep your child’s bus pass as they are re-used each year.  

Students who reside within the limits of the City of Airdrie, City of Chestermere, Town of Cochrane or Hamlet of Langdon are eligible for urban bus service. 

Urban bus stops are centrally located within the service boundary of the respective school for the benefit of all eligible students within a community. Maximum walking distance to a bus stop is 400 metres for students in Kindergarten – Grade 6 and 1.2 kilometres for students in Grades 7 – 12. 

Students who reside outside the limits of the City of Airdrie, City of Chestermere, Town of Cochrane or Hamlet of Langdon are eligible for rural bus service. 

Rural bus stops are located within the service boundary of the respective school, at 800 metre intervals where safe to do so. Students who reside within a rural cul-de-sac under 800 metres will be provided a stop at the mouth of the cul-de-sac.

Families who require service from a second bus stop location in addition to their primary service may apply for a second stop. Select that you require this service when completing your transportation registration form in SchoolEngage. Once your primary form has been submitted, the secondary form will automatically be assigned to you under the respective student’s account.

The secondary address must be located within the service boundary of the respective school. Service will only be provided if there is space on an existing bus route. Make sure to repeat these steps yearly; it will not be done automatically.

Specialized transportation services must be directed by the Learning Department. Parents with students who require specialized services must contact their school (during the school year) or the Learning Supports Department (during the summer) at 403-945-4022.

Resident students who have been approved to attend a school other than their designated school may access an existing community bus stop for their school of attendance. There must be space on the existing bus route.  

For the 2023/24 school year, Bert Church High School students residing in the communities of Reunion, Williamstown and Silver Creek will not be eligible for this service. 

All out-of-area requests may be submitted as a regular transportation registration through SchoolEngage. Students must first have the approval of the school's administration to attend a non-designated school. For more information on attending a non-designated school visit Registration.  

Out-of-area busing students must re-apply each year with payment.  

Non-resident students who reside outside the divisional boundaries of RVS and who have been admitted to an RVS school may apply for school bus service. Students must access an existing community bus stop for their school of attendance, provided there is space on the existing bus route. This service must be approved annually by the Senior Manager of Transportation.  

Out of Division applications are available online (by request) in the SchoolEngage account. Please contact the Transportation department for the appropriate form to be assigned to your account. 

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.