Provincial Assessment
Teachers administer literacy and numeracy screening assessments to students in the primary language of instruction (English or French).
Assessment Timeline
Students are assessed at various times during the year. This could include provincial assessments, divisional assessments, and school/teacher assessments. Each serves a difference purpose and helps students, teachers and parents/guardians understand a student’s overall success and areas of improvement.
View RVS’ Assessment Timeline to learn what assessments students will have in each year of schooling.
Numeracy Assessment
Alberta Education uses this tool to provide numeracy assessment in Kindergarten – Grade 3.
- Alberta Numeracy Assessment: This tool measures students’ developing mathematical knowledge of the number system, number operations, and proportional reasoning skills.
Literacy Assessment
Alberta Education uses these tools to provide literacy screening assessment in Kindergarten – Grade 3 (with French equivalents).
- Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST)/ Test de dépistage de la conscience phonologique (TDCP): Kindergarten and Grade 1
- Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) test/ Test Dénomination rapide sérielle (DRS): Kindergarten and Grade 1
- Letter Name-Sound (LeNS) Test/ Test Nom et son des lettres (NSLe): Kindergarten – Grade 2
- Castles and Coltheart 3 (CC3) Test)/ Test Castle et Coltheart 3 (CC3): Grades 1-3
Diploma Exams
Diploma exams certify the level of individual student achievement in certain Grade 12 courses, ensure provincewide standards of achievement are maintained and report individual and group results.
Diploma exams are administered for the following courses in November, January, April, June and August:
- Biology 30
- Chemistry 30
- English Language Arts 30-1
- English Language Arts 30-2
- Français 30-1
- French Language Arts 30-1
- Mathematics 30-1
- Mathematics 30-2
- Physics 30
- Science 30
- Social Studies 30-1
- Social Studies 30-2
Apart from English Language Arts 30-1 and English Language Arts 30-2, all diploma exams are translated into French.
For this year's dates, check the Provincial Diploma Exam Schedules.
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) are administered annually to all Alberta students in Grades 6 and 9. PATs help determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn, report how well students have achieved provincial standards at given points in their schooling, and assist schools, authorities and the province in monitoring and improving student learning.
PATs occur in January, May and June for English and Français/French Language Arts, math, science and social studies. Some Grade 9 students write PATs in January of each year.
Grade 9 achievement tests based on the Knowledge and Employability programs of study in English language arts, math, science and social studies are also administered.
For this year's dates, check the Provincial Achievement Test Administration (PAT) Schedules.
PAT and Diploma Exam Results
PAT and Diploma exam results are available online via myPass, Alberta Education’s secure self-service website for students, parents and guardians.