Registration Documents

Required Information

To register a student, parents/guardians will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Proof of the child’s age and legal name. Documents accepted are birth certificate, adoption certificate, student authorization visa, Canadian citizenship papers or permanent landed immigrant/residence documentation
  • Proof of the child’s address. Documents must have the name of the parent/guardian who lives with the student, a document within the last six months and an Alberta address that matches the student resident address.
    • Documents that will be accepted are:
      • Utility bill (gas, electric or water/sewer)
      • ​Home bill of sale
      • Internet bill (Telus, Shaw, Rogers, etc.)
        (must provided full document, clearly displaying the physical address, a recent date, and parent name)
      • Lease/rental agreement
      • Landline phone bill (must provide full document clearly displaying the physical address, a recent date, and parent name)
    • Documents that will not be accepted because they do not verify you still live at a certain address are:
      • Envelope window of a bill 
      • Insurance statement
      • Bank statement
      • Driver's license
      • Cell phone bill
  • House number and street address if you live in a town or city; your 911 address (e.g. 223245 TWP RD) if you live on a farm or an acreage
  • Home, cell and business telephone numbers (email if available)
  • Notification of special medical conditions or medications for the child
  • Caregiver name, if the child is in care of an adult other than parent/guardian for part of the day
  • Name and address of child’s previous school (applies to students moving into the system)
  • A copy of child's most recent report card (not applicable for Kindergarten registration)

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.