Safety & Conduct

Keeping our students and staff safe while in our care is a top priority. This is achieved with the cooperation of staff, students, and parents/guardians. The following provides information on ways we protect our students and staff. 

Student Expectations

School buses are an extension of the school and classroom. RVS’ School Bus Expectations create a positive experience for all riders by establishing clear expectations and providing positive reinforcement. This fosters a respectful, safe and responsible environment. These expectations are consistent, align with expectations in all RVS schools and support our Student Code of Conduct.

Students are expected to behave in a way that is respectful, safe and responsible:

  • Respectful
    • Be kind
    • Sit in your assigned seat
    • Keep the bus clean
  •  Safe
    • Follow bus driver instructions
    • Stay seated, face forward
    • Keep your hands, feet, body and belongings to yourself
    • Report issues and ask for help
  • Responsible
    • Sound level 2 (normal speaking volume)
    • Scan your bus pass
    • Take care of your belongings
  • Other things to keep in mind:
    • Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pick-up time

How are these expectations implemented? 

  • Expected behaviours are taught to students at school.
  • Schools provide students the opportunity to practice expected behaviours.
  • Expected behaviours are displayed on the bus to remind students how to be respectful, safe and responsible.
  • Positive expected behaviours are recognized by drivers and shared with riders.

The school bus contractor is required to record events that do not follow the student code of conduct or are deemed inappropriate. RVS Transportation will contact parents if a problem arises with a student. If the problem is not resolved and the behaviour continues, an Incident Report will be filed with the school administrator.  

This process may be bypassed when a serious problem occurs requiring immediate attention. In such a situation, the school administrator will notify parents. In a case when a student's bus privileges have been suspended, parents become responsible for the transportation of the suspended student to and from school. 

Bus safety is the responsibility of the bus driver, school bus passengers and their parents/guardians. Parent/guardians are asked to: 

  • Check your bus is on schedule using WhereTheBus on your mobile device before sending your children to their stop. Have a backup plan in case the bus is delayed.
  • Prepare your child to arrive to the bus stop five minutes before their scheduled pick-up time and ensure they have their bus pass ready for scanning. 
  • Ensure your children are dressed appropriately for our changing weather conditions. 
  • Provide the necessary supervision of your children when going to and coming home from the bus stop. 
  • Remind your children of their responsibilities and appropriate behaviour as a safe school bus rider. Parents are responsible for any damage to a bus by their children. 

If you have a concern such as bus driver conduct, atmosphere on the bus, late buses or stop locations, please complete our Parent Concern Form and email it to Transportation. 

School bus contractors will try to accommodate students with the transportation of articles and equipment for extra-curricular activities. However, some items will not be able to be transported due to safety and/or available space. All permissible items must be tightly secured and/or safely contained within the bus seat. Additionally, they must not impede the aisle, emergency exits or the driver's line of sight (i.e., block the window). The bus driver reserves the right to refuse any item they may deem unsafe to transport. If you are unsure if an item will be permitted, please contact Transportation for assistance.

Permissible items include:

  • Backpacks and lunch containers
  • Textbooks and school supplies
  • Small school projects or dioramas
  • Small band instruments
  • Skates or sport balls, enclosed in a canvas bag

Students are prohibited from smoking, vaping or using e-cigarettes while being transported on the school bus. Additional non-permissible items include:

  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Fuel, matches and/or lighters
  • Laser pens
  • Any other item that may pose a threat to other passengers

Closed circuit video monitoring may be used on school buses for the safety and well-being of students, drivers or third parties. All recordings are managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. Only individuals authorized in Administrative Procedure 181 Closed Circuit Video Surveillance may have access to the recordings.

Recordings may only be used for the purposes outlined in Administrative Procedure 181. More information can be found in Administrative Procedure 181 and Administrative Procedure 350 Student Code of Conduct.

  • Questions about the use of recordings may be directed to the Divisional FOIP Co-ordinator at 403-945-4000 or email.
  • Questions about school bus cameras may be directed to Transportation at 403-945-4000 or contact form.
  • Questions about cameras in schools may be directed to the Divisional FOIP Co-ordinator at 403-945-4000 or email.

Please complete the Fly By Form to report a vehicle passing a stopped school bus.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.