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RVS Shares Balancing Airdrie Student Spaces Details

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Detailed information on potential solutions for Balancing Airdrie Student Spaces is now available on This is part of a city-wide year-long community engagement by Rocky View Schools (RVS) to provide information and gather feedback and insights on how the division can balance enrolment across Airdrie to address increasing space pressures in our schools.

The potential solutions being considered include:  

  • Converting C.W. Perry School into a high school. This will redistribute Grade 9 -12 students across Airdrie. C.W. Perry was chosen because of its location in the city and ability to accommodate high school level programming in its spaces.
  • Grade 8 students staying in their current school for Grade 9, creating a more traditional Grade 10 - 12 high school model. This minimizes the changes for families as students stay in their schools for one more year; however, it impacts the programming options our Grade 9 students currently have and increases space pressures in some schools by adding a grade. It may also require adding or removing a grade level at some other schools.
  • Re-organize grade structures across Airdrie schools to remove urgent pressures where possible (Kindergarten – Grade 6, Grade 7 – 9 and Grade 10 – 12). This addresses both high school utilization and standardizes grade configuration across the community.

“The changes being considered in this engagement touch nearly every Airdrie RVS school in some way,” said Fiona Gilbert, Board Chair. “We want to provide families, staff and other stakeholders with as much information as possible so they are aware of the broader challenge, see how each potential solution could impact them and ultimately provide feedback on what they think is best for Airdrie students.”

Several resources are available on including an interactive tool parents/guardians can use to see how each potential solution could impact their specific neighbourhood and designated schools.   

All Airdrie families are encouraged to participate and share feedback on potential solutions and can share new ideas for consideration. Details about in-person open houses, Board delegations and opportunities to provide feedback online are included on the website.

“Parents have been voicing their concerns about crowded schools for many years. We share their concerns,” said Greg Luterbach, Superintendent of Schools. “Now is the opportunity to help shape solutions and create better balance across our Airdrie schools while we await the government of Alberta to provide much needed new schools for our students.”

The Board aims to reach a decision at the public meeting scheduled for April 25, 2024, which will take effect at the start of the 2025/26 school year, allowing time for families and staff to prepare. Given the current overutilization of some schools, it is possible select decisions for specific schools may need to be implemented as early as the 2024/25 school year.

RVS encourages all families, staff and stakeholders to review the information on and share their thoughts.

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Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.